Monday, June 27, 2011

Superintendent Conference

My superintendent approved of my plan after reviewing it briefly Thursday, June 23, 2011 in his office. He asked that we look at it in more depth at a later date. My current position in human resource services will allow me to have more contact with my superintendent throughout the year. However, the past few months have been very busy not only because of the budget concerns but also the hiring of six principals in our district. The entire district is closed from June 24, 2011 – July 11, 2011. I will be able to meet with him and revise the plan if needed when we return.
During our interview, he suggested that I attend a TASBO conference to learn more about the business aspects of the district. I discussed the updates that we were proposing in Human Resource Services as well. Our interview process for administrators will be updated as part of the Internship Plan.  

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