Final REVISED Internship Plan 2/2012
District Leader INTERNSHIP PLAN – Remember this is a living plan and you may revise or add to your plan throughout the program as you and your site supervisors determine your professional development needs and the needs of your campuses and districts.
# 1 Page 58 29 a | 1 | Analyze the correlation between a principal’s job description and the performance standards of their evaluation. | Principals and Vierra | October 2011 |
#2 Page 59 30 a | 1 | Interview a retired educator about the oral history of the community and the school system. | One of 1st Hispanic Teachers in our District | October 2011 |
#3 Page 60 31c | 1 | Interview students about their beliefs and experiences with ethical practices in the school/classroom. Use results as input for annual RRISD student survey. | High School Students | September 2011 |
#4 Page 22 1b | 2 | Review and compare two different district vision statements. Note strengths and weaknesses of each and make recommendations for your district. | Vierra | July 2011 |
#5 Page 23 2d | 2 | Review, compare, and contrast strategic plans from two districts. Note the goals and processes used to attain the vision. | Vierra | July 2011 |
#6 Page 24 3b | 2 | Review board policy and administrative regulations regarding data collection, assessment, and evaluation. | Vierra | August 2011 |
#7 Page 26 5c | 2 | Choose a current issue: Dual Contracts Teacher/Coach. Use steps for issue resolution with a small group of concerned parties. Reach consensus plan to resolve the issue and/or a critique on areas where resolution failed. | Vierra, Athletic Director, Athletic Coordinators, Principals | December 2011 |
#8 Page 27 6 Other | 2 | Current Issue: Principal and AP Pool Survey administrators and district leaders about the level of collaboration at all levels. Summarize results and how they will be utilized. | Vierra, Executive Director-HRS, Principal from each level, Assistant Superintendent | February 2012 |
#9 Page 25 4f | 3 | Review and critique the processes used by the district to monitor the ongoing communication between the district, school, faculty, and parents. | Vierra, District Community Relations Director | September 2011 |
#10 Page 53 25a | 3 | Interview district public relations person about strategies for effective communication to and from the community and the issue of community politics. Summarize the interview. | District Community Relations Director | October 2011 |
#11 Page 54 26b | 3 | Examine the current policy and procedures for parent involvement in the district. Write a brief summary of the district’s initiatives. | Vierra | November 2011 |
#12 Page 55 27d | 3 | Meet confidentially with one or more students of differing racial groups to assess their concern and recommendations for a positive culturally diverse climate in the school. Summarize the interview and critique. | High School Students | December 2011 |
#13 Page 56 28a | 3 | Compile a list of social agencies that are available to help and support the students, faculty and administration. | Internet, District Counselor, PIE coordinator, and other district personnel | September 2011 |
#14 Page 61 32 a | 4 |
| Vierra | On-going |
#15 Page 63 33b | 4 | Attend school board meetings. Include agendas, outcomes/decisions pertaining to agenda items and any recommendations. | Vierra | On-going Last on February 2012 |
#16 Page 29 7h | 5 | American Psychological Association “Learner-Centered Psychological Principals: A Framework” - Apply 14 principals to understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the instructional program in our district. | Vierra and District Curriculum | January 2012 |
#17 Page 31 8a | 5 | Analyze a high school schedule, and make recommendations for increased efficiency and meeting student needs. | High School Principals | November 2011 |
#18 Page 32 9h | 5 | Interview on district-level instructional supervisor, and assess current needs, goals, and level of service provided by central office instructional staff. | Director of Instruction | January 2012 |
#19 Page 38 13 Other | 5 | Review current Athletic Department Documentation and Evaluation Process. Meet with District Athletic Directors to revise process to align with teacher evaluations. | Athletic Coordinators, Athletic Directors. Executive Director, HRS, Vierra, | August 2011-October 2011 |
#20 Page 64 34c | 5 | Interview a vocational education director. Focus on major requirements, concerns, and goals for the program. | District Director | January 2012 |
#21 Page 34 10b | 6 | Survey a sample of students soliciting methods that motivate them to perform in school. | High School Students | September 2011 |
#22 Page 35 11b | 6 | Gather information on present and future technology used to support teaching/learning. Make recommendations for expanding use of technology, addressing costs, training, and current and future needs of the students. | Technology Director, Principals, Students | February 2012 |
#23 Page 36 12c | 6 | Gather and analyze the district, state, and national normed test results. Assess the current strengths and weaknesses in student achievement. | District Assessment Director | December 2011 |
#24 Page 42 16c | 6 | Review discipline referrals for a specific period and compile the data with regard to grade level, special education classification, race and gender. | Technology Department | February 2012 |
#25 Page 66 36a | 6 | Compile a list of current issues that affect teaching and learning. Use research literature and perspectives from administrators, teachers, students, and parents in compiling the list. Assess the degree of importance and urgency for each issue. | Vierra | January 2012 |
#26 Page 39 14b | 7 | Gather, from written evidence, or from someone responsible for staff development, the yearly district staff development plan. Analyze the plan with respect to school mission, student achievement, and teacher evaluations. | District Coordinator and Professional Development Plan | November 2011 |
#27 Page 50 23b | 7 | Participate in an interview for a professional position. Write a critique of the interviewing process. | Vierra | July 2011 |
#28 Page 45 18e | 8 | Review the policy and budget for administrative technology. | District Technology Director | December 2011 |
#29 Page 46 19b | 8 | Meet with district attendance officers. Discuss the rules, procedures, and ramifications of attendance on law, finance and general district operations. | District Attendance Officers | February 2012 |
#30 Page 51 24b | 8 | Interview the administrator responsible for the district finances. Focus on administrative responsibility, guidelines, training, and any other major needs or concerns. | District Assistant Superintendent of Finance | October 2011 |
#31 Page 67 37a | 8 | Compile a list of professional associations, service organizations, and local, state, and federal agencies that provide expertise and service to Human Resource Services. | Vierra | August 2011 |
#32 Page 68 38a | 8 | Compile a list of books, publications, training manuals, and district or state publications used or recommended for Human Resource Services. | Vierra | August 2011 |
#33 Page 47 20b | 9 | Meet with the head custodian to review job responsibilities and schedules of staff. Shadow one custodian for a period of time. Write a brief report from the meeting and observation, including the needs, concerns, and overall assessment of work performed. | Head Custodian High School Lead Custodian | December 2011 |
#34 Page 48 21b | 9 | Observe one bus driver during either a morning or afternoon bus route. Write a summary of observations and any recommendations. | High School Bus Driver | January 2011 |
#35 Page 49 22a | 9 | Interview the district food service manage to discuss the current requirements, concerns, and issues of the program. | Director of Food Services | January 2011 |
#36 Page 41 15 Other | 10 | Meet with a high school principal that implemented change. Discuss the outcome and next steps needed to continue moving forward with the implementation. | High School Principal | February 2012 |
#37 Page 43 17a | 10 | Review board policy regarding student services. Assess the degree of compliance with the policy and education plan. Identify three ways student services might be improved. | District Web site | January 2012 |
#38 Page 65 35a | 10 | Choose a current issue in our district. Meet with two people on opposite sides of the issue. Develop a list of concerns each side has about the opposing side. Devise a resolution that helps both sides achieve their goals and addresses all concerns. Meet with both sides to reach a consensus on the new proposal or plan. | Secondary Principals, Director of Fine Arts, Vierra | October-January 2012 |
The Internship Plan is a brief, but specific, document indicating your overall approach to the Internship Program. Within this document, you will briefly identify the areas of activities you will approach and indicate which of the ten TExES Superintendent Competencies and Quality Indicators are used with each. You will also provide a brief description of the activities, your resource person to be used, and estimated completion date for the entire plan. As always, this is a living document and subject to update and change.
District action research plan – Students may wish to add an action research plan to their Superintendent Intern Plan. You may use the two Action Research templates (School or Professional Improvement – SIP/PIP) Template, also located in your Resource Section. The action research is not a mandate, but we do encourage you to participate in district or campus initiatives that are part of your District or Campus Improvement Plan(s). You will be asked to report on your School Improvement Recommendations in your final course, EDLD 5399.
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