Superintendent Interview
Underlying themes emerged throughout the interview: Transparent communication, leading with dignity, modeling high ethical values, relationship building, and mastering the art of listening.
Transparency through communication was one of the focus themes throughout the entire interview. Dr. Chavez often spoke of the importance of having open communication with all stakeholders. When asked about his relationship with the board, I was impressed by his response. Not only does he do the standard by providing the board with a formal weekly update, but he also personally contacts each member of the board every week. He emphasized the importance of balancing his time between each member so each of them would feel equally valued. The board also operates under this motto: No Surprises. If a board member has comments about an issue or asks a question via e-mail, it is understood that the practice is for Dr. Chavez’s response to include all board members. Of course, the board members return this courtesy. Dr. Chavez explained that this practice alleviates the element of surprise during school board meetings. (#8)
The theme of transparency was revealed once again as Dr. Chavez answered the question about evaluating the effectiveness of communication. Hosting numerous budget public hearings and information sessions at various locations throughout the district, providing an abundance of information on the district website, responding to all frequently asked questions and posting them on the website, inviting all stakeholders to participate in an interactive survey that allowed them to choose the areas to be eliminated, and conducting budget workshops to share all of the information gathered allowed the voice of the people to be heard. The response from the community thus far about the budget process has been supportive and positive. Dr. Chavez believes that their satisfaction, understanding, and support are a direct result of transparent communication and truly listening to our stakeholders. (#7)
Gaining a broad experience especially in your weakest areas is the advice that Dr. Chavez provided at the end of the interview He stated how most of us are very comfortable with instruction and curriculum but are usually not as familiar with budgets and the other district support systems. He suggested that attending conferences and trainings outside of your comfort areas is the best way to emerge yourself in the areas of the district that are most challenging for you. Dr. Chavez stated that he hires extremely good people in these areas and he uses his training to guide them. He sees his role as having the broad perspective of how a district operates so he can promote and speak to all areas. (#12 & #15)
Dr. Chavez’s response to the attributes of a superintendent mirrored his actions as the district leader. He listed six attributes. 1) Leadership, 2) Select great people and get them in the right place, 3) Efficiency, 4) People Skills, 5) All aspects of communication, 6) High ethical and moral standards. Dr. Chavez also spoke about the importance of treating all people with dignity. Whenever I have witnessed him interact with someone, he has practiced his mastery of treating others with dignity. Dr. Chavez values what they are saying by listening and then responds with thoughtful and respectful answers or comments. (#4)
Interviewing Dr. Chavez for this assignment confirmed my perception of his character. His honesty, knowledge, integrity and reflection are evident not only in the words that he speaks but in the way he leads the district. Dr. Chavez is a leader who chooses his words carefully and expresses his beliefs in such a manner that there is no room for misinterpretation. But, most importantly his words are put into action. We all know how students are a true reflection of their teacher, and a campus of their principal, but we sometimes forget that a district is also a true reflection of its superintendent. Fortunately, Dr. Chavez has not forgotten this. He truly lives by his beliefs and honors his character through his actions.
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